March 20, 2016

USA TOUR - Colorado, Mesa Verde, Grand Canyon

Hello there! 

22 Cities. 14 States. 28 Days. 8381,46 km. 41 Exchange Students. 1 Bus.
This was a trip of a life time. It went to almost every famous city in the US, went to national parks as well as amusement parks. Pretty much everyday we were at a different place and had a lot of program. The time flew by so fast, and now it feels like a dream more than ever. Did I really do all these things? Did I really see all these places? Yes, I did, and therefore a big part of my bucket list can be crossed out.

Pro's and Con's of the trip
You'll probably think: Why in the world would there be Con's to this amazing trip? But there are some for sure, although I do think that the Pro's outweigh them.
First of all, what bugged me the most is that even though we went to so many places, we had so little time to actually see them. We stayed 1-3 days in each place, and a single day is NOT enough to seriously explore a place. Especially when your program tells you to go to an amusement park, you don't see anything of the city that the park is in even if it's a city worth seeing. That's another Con, you can't change the program. Most of the program was amazing, but why go to a water park or a movie park when you can go to those any other time? I'd rather see the cities or the nature that I haven't seen before.

There were some cities that were simply stops on the way as well, and the only thing we saw was the hotel. Those times did annoy me, to be honest. Sometimes my friends and I just walked outside and tried to explore on our own, but of course it's hard to see a lot when you're on foot and don't even know what there is to see.
Another thing was, that if you're with 41 other teenagers 24 hours a day, they can get on your nerves a little bit. But that was still fine, since you had your own group of friends and tried not to bother too much with the people that annoyed you. Also at the end of the tour, there was no one that I seriously didn't like, because you do get close to everyone at some point of those 28 days.

Time for the Pro's. As I said before, it's a time packed with adventure and action, and if you're like me then you know that's something you can't get enough of. You don't have to do anything but to sit in a bus with your friends as you get driven from place to place. The U.S. is huuuuge and it can be very troublesome to get from one side of the U.S. to the other, which is pretty much what we did. You see the U.S. from all it's different sides, and believe me there are a lot! Everywhere you go there's something new to see, whether it's a city (all of the cities gave off a different atmosphere, a different vibe so to say), the beautiful nature (once again, every national park has a different kind of awesomeness), or even the desert (that can be either Mexican like or just fascinating by itself). You will never forget the people you meet, and I do feel like the closest friends that I made there will stay forever. I plan on visiting them at some point for sure! All of them come from a different part of the world, I mean, nowhere else can you meet, talk to, compare and get to know so many different cultures, languages, life styles. Every single one of the 41 exchange students had their own, interesting story to tell whether from their home country or from their exchange year in the U.S.! Pretty amazing if you ask me.

Now! Enough talking! On to the pictures!
Yep, as you know me, I took TONS of pictures. It took soooo long to look through them, sort them and pick out the best ones. But anyway, here you are!


Whitewater Rafting:

Mesa Verde National Park


Yep, sometimes you gotta be a litte crazy in life! You're young, wild and free!

That's it for now, but Part 2 will be coming soon! Stay tuned!


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