Guest Book

Here you can write or ask me anything! I'd love to read opinions, greetings, and just everything you feel like! I promise I'll try to answer!

P.S. I know the Anonymous button looks tempting, but if you choose Name/URL you can type in any name you want, for example nicknames or just your first name! :)

Have fun


  1. Do you have a Twitter-account? I guess it might be quite interesting to get updates of you on instant in short messages there added to this blog! :-)

    1. Unfortunately I don't have one! But I already thought about creating one, and as soon as I do have one, I'll make sure to add it here :)

  2. If you were a Fruit, what Fruit would you be?

    1. Haha I guess it would be either a cherry or a strawberry! :D

  3. When will your flight go? I just wish you all the best and that you will have an unforgetable time in the states. Stay as nice and friendly as you are. To be realistic you will have to face some difficult and maybe rough situations. These will make you stronger in your self esteem and they will improve your self confidence. I will read all your texts as you are very good at writing. HAVE FUN!!!

    1. You don't know how happy your comment made me! My flight goes on the 10th of August, and I think you're very right about the difficult situations I'll have to face, and also that they're going to make me stronger. I think that every tough situation you'll manage to deal with in your life, somehow makes you stronger and develops your personality!
      Thank you so so much! I hope I won't disappoint you with my texts then haha :)

    2. I am sure they will! You are just such a talented writer... Will you add pictures to your texts? xxx

    3. Thanks, again :) Yes for sure! Until now there weren't many opportunities to add photos, besides the Croatia trip, but as soon as my exchange year begins there will be tons of photos, I promise!

  4. Who will you miss the most? Not your family and best friends, but other people you like? xx :-)

    1. Not my family and best friends? I'm not sure about that since they're exactly the ones I truly miss! I miss them already and it only has been 24 hours since I landed here :D

  5. Hello Sophie,

    Your blog is really great. Makes me curious about your next days and new adventures! Daddy

    1. Alex :D thanks, I'll try to keep it up to date as much as possible :)

  6. Have you thought about doing videos on youtube? You could tell us what du did the day and so on... :)

    1. Yeah I actually thought about that, but since I'm focusing on this blog, I don't have the time to film daily or weekly! That's why I will only film special times like trips and stuff, if I have time a quick review every now and then too. And then I will put it all together in a little movie and upload it at the end of the exchange year :)

  7. Could you do a google hangout once, where you tell us whats going on at the moment? xx

  8. someone who loves sosoMay 18, 2015 at 10:36 PM

    love your blog!! it makes me look forward to see you in july :)<3


Your comments make my day! :)