May 4, 2016

USA TOUR - Texas, New Orleans

Hello there! 

Tucson, AZ and El Paso, TX

So these two places were just stops on the way, because we needed to drive from California to Texas. We didn't have any program there but me and some of my friends still went out to see this quite unusual kind of landscape. Arizona, New Mexico and parts of Texas have this Mexican, desert like feeling to them, with dry land and cacti everywhere. I thought it was super interesting because you don't have this kind of image in your head when you think of the US.
Also, El Paso is right on the boarder to Mexico, so we could even look over the fence and the contrast was surprising. On the US land there were only some streets and bushes, but on the Mexican land lots of houses lined up right behind the fence.

Sorry for the bad quality, I took this with my phone as we drove by, but that's the fence between Texas and Mexico:

San Antonio, Texas

San Antonio on the other hand had a very different atmosphere. It was colorful and its famous River Walk almost had an European feeling to it. I thought it was really beautiful! And they had lots and lots of Mexican food there.

New Orleans, Louisiana

The highlight of this week was definitely New Orleans, the birthplace of Jazz! I absolutely loved it. Its atmosphere was so colorful and happy, there was music everywhere, it was artsy and there was great food.
The houses looked pretty interesting and cute too, most of them were decorated or had iron swung around the windows (if you look at the pictures you'll understand). They were old fashioned and had a french influence just like the whole city does. New Orleans simply put their touch and feel on it.
Most of the people living there were African Americans, and they sang and danced a lot ('cause they can). One time we went into a caramel store and the employees were all singing a song while working and making caramels, it was so cool!
The only thing some of us noticed, is that a lot of people seemed a little bit more poor than the average. I guess music helps with a lot of things, but it can't quite cover the livelihood of everyone.
Also it was the 26th of June, National Gay Pride day. It was the day where the US Court decided that same-sex marriage is a legal right across all of the United States, since there were still 14 states that didn't allow it up to that point. And to celebrate that, there were lots of rainbow flags, a small parade and a gathering on the Jackson Square Mall. I don't think there are many other places where you could have celebrated that day as well as in New Orleans!

In addition to the photos, there are two videos this time, so check them out! Both of them were originally way longer, but I had to cut them in order to upload them on here. But I think even in those few seconds, you can feel the spirit of New Orleans a little bit!

Sorry for the bad quality!

Gosh I'm already trying hard to pick out the best photos but they're just getting more with each post! 
Anyway, there's even more than this to come so stay tuned for Part 4!


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